Tony comes in HOT with (so far) the funniest IVN of 2020
Duryan misses out on making FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS off of an old video game system
Your IVN’s educate PK and answer the ‘the worst house guest ever’ question
We ask you ‘One Random Question’: What are you looking forward to?
Denise is one week from the Houston half marathon. PK has questions.
We remind you that it’s never a good idea to quarantine your kids in the TRUNK
Duryan almost gets into a car accident because of a leaf
Speaking of trunks, PK talks about that one time he took a nap in one
We debate: If your husband cheats with your sister, who would you hate more?
Ever heard of ‘Go Puff’? Neither have we until today.
Duryan finally learns how our subscriptions work
We make it to guess 15 as we try to figure out ‘What’s That Noise’
Duryan tells us about ‘Get‘ a new site that will cut down your customer support wait time
And so much more!